Sunday, 26 May 2019



This term one of our math focuses is on measurement. Here the students have been learning and exploring how to measure length and width using rulers, tape measures, metre rulers and measuring wheels. 

Measuring the length of a Blue Whale

We have also been watching parts of a movie called a Plastic Ocean where we have been learning about the devastating effects of plastic in our oceans. We learnt that blue whales can grow up to 30 metres long so we decided to see just how long this is using a metre wheel. We came to the conclusion that a blue whale is as long as our school court!

This is how long a blue whale can reach! Each student from our class is standing 1 metre apart. 

Science Boxes

This term we have a science focus of CHANGE!
 We have been learning how to use our 5 sense to notice changes occuring. We then use our prior knowledge to think 'What is going on?' and our curiosity to wonder and explain why.

Here are some photos of class exploring what we notice, think and wonder...

Bunny Art

Bunny Art
Check out some of Room Three's Easter inspired bunny art work. 
We were learning how to use repeated patterns effectively.